Southwood Eyecare
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Can Coffee Cause Dry Eyes?

Woman rubbing her left eye.

Many people rely on coffee to get through their day, whether it’s to boost their energy levels or simply enjoy the taste. But have you ever noticed that after drinking your morning cup of coffee, your eyes feel dry and irritated? You’re not alone—this is a common occurrence among coffee drinkers. Caffeine, a key component […]

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Are Chemical Peel Results Permanent?

Woman having a chemical peel applied,

Chemical peels are a popular cosmetic procedure that uses various chemical solutions to improve the appearance of the skin. This includes reducing wrinkles, improving skin texture, and treating hyperpigmentation. Many people who undergo chemical peels wonder if the results are permanent or if they will need repeated treatments to maintain their desired look. The answer […]

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What Is a Photofacial? 

Senior woman examining her face.

The world of skincare is constantly evolving. There are several innovative, non-invasive treatments available that can help individuals achieve their desired skin! A photofacial uses IPL technology to improve the appearance of skin by brightening skin tone, and evening skin texture, reducing hyperpigmentation, fine lines, and wrinkles, by stimulating collagen production in the skin.   […]

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What Is Morpheus8?

A woman laying down at an aesthetics clinic receiving Morpheus8 Treatment.

Navigating the landscape of aesthetic treatments can be as complex as it is exciting. Among the innovative solutions arriving on the scene, one name has been generating considerable buzz—Morpheus8. But what exactly is this talked-about procedure, and what can it offer you? Morpheus8 uses the combination of microneedling with radiofrequency (RF) energy to target deep […]

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Myopia vs Hyperopia: What’s The Difference?

A woman typing on her laptop and leaning in close to read the screen, showing signs of nearsightedness.

As we go through our daily lives, navigating through a world driven by technology and screens, it is becoming increasingly common for people to experience vision problems. Myopia and hyperopia are two of the most prevalent eye conditions that affect millions of individuals worldwide.  People with myopia struggle to focus on distant objects, while people […]

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