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How to Unclog Meibomian Glands

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If you experience persistent dry eye symptoms, it might be a sign of issues with your meibomian glands. These glands produce oil that prevents your tears from evaporating too quickly and helps keep your eyes lubricated. Clogged meibomian glands are a common cause of chronic dry eye symptoms like redness and stinging sensations. 

If your meibomian glands are clogged, professional dry eye treatments like intense pulsed light therapy and LipiFlow can help clear blockages. Some home remedies like warm compresses may also help you find relief at home

What Are Meibomian Glands?

Oil, water, and mucus create the 3 layers of your tear film, and each layer plays a role in keeping your eyes moisturized. Meibomian glands are tiny glands in your eyelid that produce the oil, called meibum.

Meibum oil helps prevent the water layer on your eye’s surface from evaporating too quickly. When the amount or quality of this oil changes, that can be a sign of meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD), a condition that is often linked to dry eyes. 

When MGD occurs, your gland openings become clogged. The glands fill up, reducing the amount of oil that reaches the eye’s surface and causing your tears to evaporate more quickly, leaving your eyes dry and less protected. 

Complications of Meibomian Gland Dysfunction

MDG and the increased tear evaporation can sometimes cause complications like inflammation, ocular surface damage, visual disruption, and discomfort. Without proper management and treatment, MGD can progress and cause permanent damage to the eye.

Types of Dry Eye

Evaporative Dry Eye

The most common type of dry eye—evaporative dry eye—occurs when you have a problem with the outer layer of your tear film, the lipid or meibum layer. 

Issues related to meibomian glands directly affect the oils needed in your tear film. As a result, tears can begin to evaporate too quickly and lead to insufficient eye lubrication.

Aqueous Dry Eye

When your eyes don’t produce enough of the water substance of tears, your eyes can’t stay properly lubricated.

In contrast to evaporative dry eye, aqueous dry eye indicates problems in tear glands that result in decreased tear production.

Infographic About Types of Dry Eye

Why Do My Meibomian Glands Keep Getting Clogged?

MGD is common. Approximately 35.8% of the world population have meibomian gland dysfunction. MGD can be inherited or acquired, and factors like age and ethnicity can increase your risk. 

Understanding why you may be experiencing MGD often starts with assessing your lifestyle, medical history, and personal eye health. 

Factors That Contribute to Meibomian Gland Dysfunction

Several factors may cause MGD, including:

  • Aging
  • Hormonal changes
  • Infrequent blinking
  • Allergic reactions
  • Certain diets

Treating MGD may often involve making lifestyle changes and adopting new eye care routines.

How Long Does It Take to Clear Meibomian Glands?

Intense Pulsed Light & Radiofrequency Treatments

Professional dry eye treatments offer personalized care to help you find relief. With intense pulsed light (IPL) and radiofrequency (RF) treatments, most people experience little to no discomfort and there is typically no downtime, so you can get back to your day as soon as the treatment is complete. 

However, the number of treatments you need will vary based on your condition. Additional treatments can often help prevent the issue from recurring.

LipiFlow Treatments 

LipiFlow treatments usually only take several minutes each session. Some patients notice a difference immediately. However, we may suggest multiple sessions to promote eye comfort.

How Do You Unclog Meibomian Glands at Home?

Warm Compresses

You may be able to loosen the oils that are clogging your meibomian glands with a warm compress. Place a warm, wet, and clean washcloth over your eyelids. Do this twice a day for 5 minutes each time. You can follow up by gently massaging your eyelids with your fingertips to stimulate the glands.

Lid Hygiene

Some cases of MGD can lead to meibomitis, chronic inflammation of the meibomian glands. This condition requires good eyelid hygiene to treat and prevent. 

If you experience chronic dry eyes, your daily routine should incorporate warm compresses and lid massage remedies, as well as regular use of a lid scrub, lid cleanser, or baby shampoo to clean your eyelids and lashes. You should also avoid wearing makeup to bed. 

Eye drops can also help keep your eyes lubricated and reduce discomfort.

woman with white shirt and brown hair applying eye drops on one eye

Lifestyle Changes

Diets rich in Omega-3 fatty acids may also help prevent clogged meibomian glands. Talk to your eye doctor about taking fish oil supplements, which can boost the quality of your meibum. Omega-3 fatty acids also have anti-inflammatory properties that can help prevent dry eye symptoms and support meibomian gland function. 

Prescription Medications

In some cases, we may prescribe medicine for eye conditions like MGD and meibomitis. We may also prescribe topical creams to help reduce inflammation.

We can suggest one or more home remedies based on your situation. Proper eye hygiene and regular care help promote good eye health between visits. Talk to us if you need help developing your eye care routine.

Other Treatment Options for Dry Eye

While IPL, RF, LipiFlow, and warm compress treatments address blockages in the meibomian glands to help treat dry eye, other types of dry eye may need different treatments. 

Temporary dry eye is often caused by environmental factors. Wearing contact lenses for too long, directing a fan toward your eyes, or being in a dry environment can cause dry eye symptoms to develop. Lifestyle changes and minimal treatment can usually treat this type of dry eye.

For other types of chronic dry eyes, we can identify the underlying causes and suggest 1 or more treatment options, including:

Get Comprehensive, Personalized Dry Eye Care

Our eye health is an important part of our overall health and well-being. At Southwood Eyecare, we are dedicated to providing comprehensive, personalized eye care to you and your family. 

An accurate diagnosis of eye conditions helps identify proper treatment methods. Unclogging meibomian glands may require both professional treatment and regular, at-home care. 

If you experience persistent, uncomfortable, or painful symptoms, book an appointment with us today. We’re here to help you get the care and comfort you deserve.

Written by Dr. Shmyla Chaudhery

Dr. Shmyla Chaudhery was born and raised in Winnipeg, Manitoba. She obtained a Bachelor of Science degree at the University of Manitoba and later completed the Doctor of Optometry program at Illinois College of Optometry graduating with Magna Cum Laude honours. Dr. Chaudhery is also a member of the Beta Sigma Kappa International Optometric Honor Society and the Tomb and Key Honor Fraternity. She has experience with pediatric eye exams, ocular disease, specialty contact lenses, and vision therapy. During her spare time, she enjoys playing badminton and spending time with her husband and kids.
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